Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Critical Thinking


On a scale of 1,2,3 1=never/disagree 2=sometimes and 3= always/agree, respond to these questions.
1. Do you think before you act? 2
2. Can you support your beliefs with valid reasons? 3
3. You are not afraid of what other people think of you. 2
4. Do you judge people before you get to know them? 2
5. You are not afraid to stand up for yourself. 2
6. You never doubt you beliefs or thoughts. 2
7. You listen to other peoples opinions well. 2
8. You are an outgoing person as opposed to a shy person. 1
9. You get along with most people. 3
10. You have good relationships around you constantly. 3

If you scored between 10-15, you a bit of a critical thinker, but more of a "just go for it" type of person, which isn't always such a bad thing.
If you scored between 15-25, you are a critical thinker. You think things through most of the time, you have reasons for the way that you are.
If you scored 25-30, you think VERY critically. You always have something on your mind!


Me: what are your thoughts on abortion?

Lauren: Overall I am pro-choice.

Me: Explain your ideas.

Lauren: I personally believe that everybody has a right to their own personal body and that they have a right to choose. In other cases as well like rape I think abortion can be acceptable. 

Lauren: However I say that I am pro choice, but personally for myself I would say I am pro-life. If I were to become pregnant I would have the baby. So I do think its a personal choice, and I do believe that you have a right to choose in whatever circumstance. I am pro-choie because I think that again people have a right to their own body and I don't think it really affects anyone surroundings. If somebody gets an abortion it doesn't really have an affect on me as person, it only affects the person who is choosing. I don't think people should be able to say whether or not if another people should be able to get an abortion or not.

Me: Does religion play any part on your beliefs?

Lauren: No, not really. I am not a very religious person, and if I was I really believe that you would still have a right to choose. Again, I don't believe other people should have an affect on another persons body. It really is a person choice.

Critical Thinking:

I think that critical thinking can be however you interpret it. Critical thinking can mean various things to different people. I think that critical thinking is mostly the way and how you think. What you do, what you choose, what you believe, what you think etc. Everyone has their own unique way of critical thinking and I do believe that critical thinking exists in every human. Everybody has a mind, in that case everybody thinks! To me a lot of what critical thinking is how you think something through. Thinking about every little detail of a decision, or simply just thinking something through before doing it can all be forms of thinking critically. Even thinking the most stupid things ever, I always think that I think things are stupid (kind of confusing), but it's all is thinking! Critical thinking makes up who you are and where you are today! :)