Friday, February 18, 2011

Advertising Debate

On the debate we had in class last Wednesday on whether advertising should be controlled or regulated, or no, I was on that advertising should be controlled or regulated. The other opinion made some very good points, but I feel like they were more focused on how we are going to regulate it and what we would do. The debate was asking more if we think regulation should exist. Ms. Hasson said that if we think any part any little part of advertising should be regulated then you should be on the ads should be controlled side. This is why I think that most of the class should be on this side because if you think that there shouldn't be condom ads and viagra ads on networks for children that is somewhat regulation. I do believe the different points that the other side brought up, but the children is most of the reason as to why I am advertising should be regulated side.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with what your saying, but I think that our point was that in all honestly a children's magazine does not have viagra ads in it. If you think about the magazine, they are going to advertise things that would benefit them, not anger the parents of the children reading their product.
