Thursday, February 3, 2011


In class on Monday we talked a lot about advertising and its affects on society. Anywhere you go or anything you watch, you are most of the time faced with a "perfect women" that is trying to sell a product or clothing etc. Whether it's a shampoo advertisement or car ad, all these labels that you look at are exploiting the perfect image. All these beautiful people on the labels, give people hope and let them think that it is possible for them to look like this. I personally think that it has a major affect in todays world. So many women are so insecure with themselves because they are always constantly trying to change into something of what they think is better. Women are always constantly comparing themselves to what they see in an ad or commercial and always looking down on themselves. I believe this affects self-esteem and confidence within yourself which affects who you are. Destructive and negative feelings can lead to more serious issues such as an eating disorder or depression. When you look at the big picture it all is just doesn't make any sense that people are developing health issues just because they simply don't think they are good enough compared to something that does not exist. More women need to realize that these people are not real and have more pride in themselves. The age of girls that are being influenced by this each year are younger and younger!

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