Sunday, February 27, 2011


Growing up I always thought that street graffiti was bad and ruined the city. I never really thought of it at art work or people expressing themselves, I just thought it was completely vandalism. I very rarely ever notice art work, and it was never really an interest to me. After watching this video, I do have more respect for the artists. It is their way of expressing themselves to the public with a picture. Many people that see it think it is harmful to the city but believe it or not I feel that a lot of people can relate to some of these pictures and their meanings. People perceive it negatively (as I did) but I feel that these artists are just trying to be herd. I thought this documentary was enjoyable to watch and made me understand more as to why street art is important!


  1. Yeah i agree with you on that. I was really impressed to see some of the street art and the background of the street artists.

  2. I agree. I understand the negativity of it, since it really is vandalism, but I think it's unique. If I saw those Space Invader pieces around a city, I would get a huge kick out of it! Same goes for the sign that said something like, "No Hanging Around" and the street artist put monkey's around it. Some of the art really put a smiles on my face, and if I saw it out in the real world instead of the documentary, it would probably brighten my day.
